Photos from the 2019 AKR Taikai

Post date: Jun 29, 2019 5:3:11 PM

The ANKF asked us not to post IKYF American Seminar photos to social media pages, so we are only sharing photos from the AKR Taikai. Photos courtesy of Joshu Santos, Kyudo Brazil.  For more photos please visit our Facebook page.

A group (Yondan and above first photo)

1st - Bill Savary (USA), center

2nd - Juan Diego Fonseca Ashton (Ecuador), right

3rd - Tim Macmillan (USA), left

B group (Mudan through Sandan 2nd photo):

1st - Hunter Gott (USA), center

2nd - Gonzalo Tihista (Uruguay), right

3rd - Wesley Chan (Canada), left