AKR Update Jan. 2016

Post date: Jan 30, 2016 12:2:59 AM

Dear Friends,

I am sending the AKR Update Jan., 2016 edition. The 5th Asia Oceania Kyudo Seminar application has been closed and there are significant number of AKR members are attending this seminar. This seminar is getting very popular. Frankly speaking, I am a little concerned the affect to the Minnesota seminar in July. I hope to see no decline of the number of attendees at the IKYF/AKR seminar in MN. it would be difficult for many of the AKR members to travel twice and may be more but I would encourage all of the AKR members to join the MN seminar and study.

Some important seminar information are provided; IKYF/AKR and IKYF EKF. Please carefully read the info that are attached. Some more details will be notified as soon as they are decided but please acknowledge the basic info of the each seminar at this point.

Affiliated countries: When your members apply to test they NEED the signature of the AKR president. To do so they may have different dead line of the test application to reach here. Please pay attention to such date. You will be informed.


Yoshiko Buchanan