AKR Update 2014 March Edition
Post date: Apr 02, 2014 1:17:22 AM
Dear AKR members,
I hope this edition will find all of you doing well. SCKR and NCKR may still have some trace of winter but the rest of you must be enjoying the spring. Today is the end of the AKR fiscal year of 2013 and I would like to thank the AKR members for your support and dedication to the kyudo activities. There are a few news items to share wit hyou in this month. If you have any questions and /or suggestions please feel free to contact the AKR office.
Yoshiko Buchanan
1) From the AKR
(a) The AKR Privacy Policy has been created. Thanks to all the representatives the AKR Privacy Policy has been unanimously approved and is now effective. All the personal information that the AKR collects for the roster should be carefully and conscientiously managed. Below is the result of the vote.
Below are the votes:
Northern California: Yes by Maria Peterson Sensei on 3/26/2014
Southern California: Yes by Jannette Curran on 3/24/2014
Minnesota: Yes by John Born on 3/24/2014
Indiana: Yes by Ken Tanahara on 3/25/2014
Georgia: Yes by Joseph Reid on 3/26/2014
Virginia: Yes by Fumiko Takada on 3/25/2014
North Carolina: Yes by Dan DePropero Sensei on 3/28/2014
South Carolina: Yes by Aaron Blackwell Sensei on 3/26/2014
(b) Sending a US(AKR) team to the 2014 Sekai Taikai: This is to remind you that the final head count of participants to the 2014 IKYF event should be done by the 5th of April.
You may have sent your final head count to Blackwell sensei but if it is not yet done please send it by the 5th.
For the time being you are requested to think, based on the previous head count, if we can send an AKR team or not. As soon as the final head count is done we can begin discussions about this topic.
(c) The IKYF event participation fees: The payment of the Asia Oceania Kyudo Seminar that the AKR set has been paid back from all the Participants. I would like to thank Andrew for his attention and smooth management of the payments. The 2014 IKYF event payment will be coming up in May. The same method will be used for the 2014 IKYF event in Paris. All the participants will be notified as the individual amount is clarified and they will have to pay their fees by the end of May.
2) From the IKYF
(a) The examination schedule at the Asia Oceania Seminar is announced as follows:
The 13th test: http://kyudo.jp/pdf/shinsa/h26/h260413_nagoya_s.pdf
General info: http://kyudo.jp/pdf/shinsa/h26/h260413_nagoya.pdf
(b) A final call to confirm all the AKR members goint to the 2014 IKYF Sekai Taikai, Seminar and Shinsa. Please send all your members who definitely will participate in the 2014 IKYF event in Paris. So far the totals are: VKR/9, NCKF/ 2, IKR/1, Brasil/5 and Argentina/1. SoCKR, GKR, SCKR, NCKR and MNKR have no members to participate.
Please send Blackwell sensei the following information; names, rank and yes or no to the participation in the Taikai by April 5th.
(c) The written test in Paris is going to be a take home test as mentioned below in red. The testing candidates will be certainly notified as we receive the information.
Please print out the Shinsa application form from the following URL and each individual who will take the Shinsa should fill it out. Send the original forms to the IKYF secretariay by each Federation / Association.
For Kyui/Godan and Under the form is: http://www.ikyf.org/pdf/ShinsaApplicationFormunder.pdf
For Shogo/Rokudan and Above the form is: http://www.ikyf.org/pdf/ShinsaApplicationFormabove.pdf
※ We anticipate the themes of the writing test and answer sheet shoud be sent out at the end of June.
*The implementation guidelines of The Second World Kyudo Taikai and The Third International Kyudo Seminar (in Paris) has been sent on December 12, 2013 by e-mail.