American Kyudo Renmei 

We are an organization devoted to instructing and practicing Kyudo, traditional Japanese archery.

We have several member organizations located across the United States. Please see the AKR Member Federations tab for a list of our member organizations. For information about local practice locations and times, please contact the local federation. Contact information for each federation is provided on its page. 

Current AKR Officers

Carly Born, President president[at]kyudousa[dot]com
Jade Fraundorfer, Vice President vp1[at]kyudousa[dot]com
Fumiko Takada, Vice President vp2[at]kyudousa[dot]com
Jeremy Cail, Secretary secretary[at]kyudousa[dot]com
David Barootian, Treasurer treasurer[at]kyudousa[dot]com
Joseph Reid, Auditor
Hunter Gott, Webmaster